people with disabilities learning computer at Forward Looking

Welcome to Forward Looking (परिलक्षित संस्था)

We believe that people with disabilities should have equal access to rights and opportunities. To make this a reality, we do income generating, capacity building initiatives, education projects and disability awareness campaign.

What we do

We empower persons with disabilities in our community through our programs.

someone with disability in his shop.
Empowerment Program For Persons with Disability (EPP)

The EPP program supports activities focusing on capacity building, awareness raising & advocacy initiatives and income generating opportunities for promotion of rights of person with disabilities in different working districts in Nepal.

More about EPP

Scholarship Program (SCH)

With the goal of transforming lives of pupils with disabilities through formal educational support for dignified life, the scholarship program was introduced by the Forward Looking Organization in 2006. We support the students with disabilities with educational material and scholarships.

More about SCH

About Forward Looking (परिलक्षित)

Established in 2001 the Forward Looking (FL) is the national NGO working for empowerment of persons with disability in Nepal. We champion the rights of people with disability in Nepal. The FL is non-governmental, non-profit making, non-sectarian and non political organization working mostly in disability. The organization is run and operated jointly by people with and without disability.


Fl wants to be established as a resource center for working to promote Persons with disabilities, marginalized people and children in need live independent and dignified life in inclusive society where human rights and justice prevail.


FL works to promote rights of persons with disabilities, marginalized people and children in need through awareness raising, advocacy, educational and economic empowerment in partnership with N/GOs, self -help groups and communities. 

Relief distribution in Kaski district

Forward Looking Updates

We have listed our newer activities below. For complete list of our news, events and activities, please visit our news archive page.

सुचना !       सुचना !!             सुचना !!!

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मिति २०८१ असोज २० गते बसेको परिलक्षित संस्थाको कायसमितिको बैठकको निणर्य अनुसार यस संस्थाको २४ औं बार्षिक साधारण सभा यहि मिति २०८१ साल कार्तिक ३ गते तद् अनुसार १९ अक्टोबर, २०२४ का दिन युनिभर्सल क्याफे, नख्खु दोबाटो ललितपुरमा दिनको १ बजे हुनगइरहेको हुनाले यस सस्थाको सल्लाहाकार, पदाधिकारी, कार्यसमिति सदस्यहरु र साधारण सदस्यहरुको गरीमामय उपसस्थितिको लागि…

सुचना   सुचना   सुचना

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परिलक्षित संस्थाद्धारा संचालित अपाङ्गता भएका व्यक्तिहरुकालागि शैक्षिक सहयोग कार्यक्रम अन्र्तगत सन् २०२४ मा उच्च माध्यामिक तह (+२), स्नातक तह, स्नाकोतर तह र प्राविधिक शिक्षा अध्यायनरत अपाङ्गता भएका बिद्यार्थीहरुका लागि छात्रवृतिको नयाँ आवेदन फारम खोलिएकोले यस संस्थाको  शाखा कार्यलयहरु सुर्खेत र कैलालीमा तत्काल सम्र्पकका लागि यो सूचना प्रकाशित गरिएको छ । आवेदन खुल्ला मितिः २०८१  भाद्र…

तालिमको सुनौलो अवसर

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परिलक्षित संस्था, कुपोन्डोल बाट सक्क्षम सेन्ट्रल कार्यक्रम अन्तरग क्षमता अभिबृद्घि र रोजगारीको लागी ३० दिने Digital Marketing सम्बन्धी तालिम, काठमाडौँमा अपाङ्गता भएका व्यक्तिहरुको लागी संचालन गरीने भएको हुँदा इच्छुक तथा अति आवश्यक भएका व्यक्तिहरुले निम्न ठेगानामा आवेदन दिन सकिनेछ। आवश्यक कागजपत्रः निवेदन, अपाङ्गता परिचय, C.V । आवेदन सुरु हुने मिति — ९ चैत, २०८०  …

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What our benefeciaries Say

We have collected testomonials from few people with whom our organization has worked directly in the past.

Sita Thapa


“Foward Looking helped me completed my studies and now I have a Job because of that.”

Maya Karki


“It is good that organizations like Forward Looking is helping people with disabilities in Nepal.”

Peter Johns

Boston, USA

“I am very happy to be have voluntered for Forward Looking when I was in Nepal. Its an amazing team.”

contact us

Get in touch with us, if you have any questions, suggestions or feedback about our programs and the organization. Please call us or use the form to contact us. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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+977 1 5010730