
Fl wants to be established as a resource center for working to promote Persons with disabilities, marginalized people and children in need live independent and dignified life in inclusive society where human rights and justice prevail. 


FL works to promote rights of persons with disabilities, marginalized people and children in need through awareness raising, advocacy, educational and economic empowerment in partnership with N/GOs, self -help groups and communities. 


Lives of persons with disabilities, marginalized people and children in need are transformed through educational support, vocational and life skill training


To contribute to the Vision, Mission and Goal of empowering the persons with disabilities, marginalized people and children in need, FL developed six Strategic Objectives focusing on education empowerment, economic Empowerment, awareness and rights, capacity building and mobilization of self- help groups, life skill trainings and required capacity development of FL in the strategic plan period. Following are the strategic objectives.

  1. To promote educational rights of persons with disabilities, marginalized people and needy children Through awareness raising, scholarship, capacity building and educational support.
  2. To economically empower persons with disabilities marginalized people and needy children with Vocational training, income generation activities and linking with business.
  3. To promote rights of persons with disabilities marginalized people and needy children Through awareness raising and advocacy events at all levels.
  4. To equip persons with disabilities, marginalized people with life skills for their career development.
  5. To strengthen self-help groups’ and DPOs organizational and technical capacities for unity and Promotion of their rights.
  6. To strengthen FL’s organizational and programmatic capacities to better implement the project activities for sustainable results.