We believe and practice good governance in FL, its partner organizations and self-help groups. FL has will develop its good governance policy and execute in this strategic plan period. To maintain the good governance FL has made its own bylaw, to effectively implement its bylaw we have made separately admin and finance policy, procurement policy and anti-corruption policy too. To follow these policy and bylaw FL provides training, orientation to staffs and board members. Beside this as per our bylaws to mitigate the duplication within organization we have made separately board members and staff members, dual role skip is fully implementing. Similarly, to effectively follow the organizational policy level good governance we do regular program monitoring including by board, funding agencies, government authority and external evaluator as well. Furthermore, for the financial good governance we do timely audit of the project and organization level too, well documentation, follow the double account system. Finally, we are doing annual general assembly and election for selection of board members.